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Tips for Sticking With Invisalign Treatment

Tips for Sticking With Invisalign Treatment

Consistent use is one of the most important factors in successful Invisalign treatment. Here are some tips from our Guildford Dental dentists for staying on track with your Invisalign treatment. 

How can I make it easier to stick with my Invisalign treatment?

You've started your Invisalign treatment and are well on your way to achieving a straighter smile. Congratulations! It might feel a bit overwhelming at first as you adjust to your new treatment and get used to wearing your clear aligners.

Getting used to your new routine will take practice, patience, and dedication. Our Surrey dentists share some tips to help you get the most out of your Invisalign treatment.

Commit to Wearing Your Invisalign Aligners Full-Time

It can be difficult adjusting to your new lifestyle with your clear aligners but it's important to commit to your treatment process. 

For your aligners to work properly and help you achieve your goals by the end of your treatment, you'll need to wear them the majority of the time — typically about 22 hours per day. You will be taking out your aligners to eat, drink, and brush your teeth but it's important to put them back in as soon as possible after these activities. 

When patients aren't diligent about meeting their recommended wear time it can cause problems and lead to your Invisalign treatment schedule not going as planned. 

If you notice you're forgetting to put your aligners back in after a routine activity, such as your morning brushing, set yourself a reminder on your phone to jog your memory. There are also apps available that can track your wear time so you stick as close to the recommended time as possible.  

Clean Your Aligners While You Eat 

Because you won't be able to wear your aligners while eating anyway, take advantage of this time to clean your trays by soaking them in a cleaning solution while you eat.

You can soak them in the special Invisalign cleaning solution, diluted mouthwash, or denture cleaner (make sure none of these are coloured, as coloured solutions will stain your aligners). This should be done twice a week to keep your aligners fresh and clean. When not soaking your clear aligners, you can gently brush them a mild anti-bacterial soap and water, being sure to rinse well before putting them back in. This will prevent bacteria from building up which can cause bad breath and damage to your teeth.

Make Wearing Your Aligners More Comfortable

When you start wearing Invisalign, the edges of the aligners may feel strange in your mouth and many people find themselves running their tongue along the edges of the trays. This can create cuts on your tongue that can become painful sores. 

While this problem improves after your mouth gets used to the aligners, you can use dental wax in the meantime to cover any rough edges and keep your tongue from being cut. 

Learn to Speak With Your Aligners In 

When you first begin wearing your aligners in your mouth, you will almost certainly hear yourself speaking with a lisp. This is normal as your mouth adjusts to your aligners being in. Once you've adapted, your speech will gradually return to normal. Meanwhile, practice speaking by calling a friend to chat, singing along to your favourite songs or reading aloud. 

Looking for more guidance on how you can stick to your Invisalign treatment? Contact Guildford Dental today for advice.

From Our Team

  • Visiting the dentist twice a year for a cleaning and checkup will help you reduce the risk of developing oral health problems in the long run.
    - Dr. Felix Zhang

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