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How to Adjust to New Dentures

How to Adjust to New Dentures

Any change takes time to get used to, this is no different for changes to our smiles. Our Surrey dentists share some advice for adjusting to new dentures and some of the challenges that you may face.

How Is it difficult to adjust to new dentures?

If you have had missing teeth then you know how much it can affect your self-confidence. When you get dentures as a form of tooth replacement you will be restoring that smile that means so much to you. Your new dentures will also protect your oral health by supporting the facial muscles and structure and reducing bone loss. 

While dentures can be a great long-term solution for some people who are missing teeth, adjusting to them can take some time and effort. 

It usually takes people anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks to fully adjust to wearing dentures. 

Be patient with your mouth as it gets used to these significant changes and you adapt to having dentures where your natural teeth once were. Understanding what you can expect can help make the transition smoother. 

Some Challenges You May Face With New Dentures

Some patients notice these challenges during the early stages of wearing dentures: 

  • Gums may loosen or shrink
  • Sore spots and bone chips may develop 
  • Smile seems unnatural 
  • Problems eating or speaking while wearing dentures 
  • Higher production of saliva 
  • Impact on chewing 

Remember that these issues are a natural part of the dental process, and most will be temporary. 

Adjusting to Life With Dentures 

The first few weeks with new dentures will be the most awkward while you adjust to your new teeth. You will need to learn how to do basic tasks with your new changes. During this period, some of your most significant challenges may be associated with changes in eating and speaking. Here, our Surrey dentists offer some tips to help you adjust quickly.

Should you change your eating habits when you have dentures?

You'll need to eat a diet of soft or liquid foods after getting new dentures. In the first few days of your recovery process, you'll have limitations on your diet. You may want to plan ahead and prepare foods that will be ready when you're hungry. Try to choose foods that won't require much chewing, as these will be best for minimizing pain or discomfort. 

You might also consider using a food processor, blender or juicer to eat some of your favourite foods during this time. 

Use this list to give you some ideas during the first few days or weeks: 

  • Avocadoes
  • Rice
  • Smoothies
  • Cooked or steamed vegetables
  • Pasta 
  • Oatmeal 
  • Milkshakes or icecream 
  • Soups 
  • Soft or melted cheeses 
  • Tofu 
  • Eggs 
  • Applesauce 
  • Yogurt 
  • Muffins
  • Pancakes

Is speaking with dentures difficult to do?

Speaking will be different as your mouth has now changed, so the first few weeks will be learning how to speak with these differences. One of the easiest ways to adjust may be to speak to yourself while you are home alone and then begin to speak out in public once you are more comfortable.

It might help to speak slower than usual, which can reduce clicking noises and assist with controlling movement that may occur if your dentures shift as you talk. You may find that applying denture adhesive helps to keep your dentures in place. Ask your dentist in Surrey if this solution is right for you. 

You might find it helpful to read aloud while you practice, especially during the first few days when you may feel self-conscious speaking around other people. This allows you to adapt and relearn to repeat complex sounds — minus the prospect of an audience. The more opportunities you take to practice, the easier and more natural speaking will become, quickly helping you to feel confident with your new dentures. 

Getting new dentures will be a large adjustment. Speak with your Surrey dentist about any concerns that you have.

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